Sanctions alone will not stop FDLR

The United Nation Security Council has imposed a worldwide travel ban and an order to freeze the assets of three top FDLR leaders, a rebel group operating in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Saturday, December 04, 2010

The United Nation Security Council has imposed a worldwide travel ban and an order to freeze the assets of three top FDLR leaders, a rebel group operating in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

For a number of years, innocent civilians have lost their lives or have to live in fear, as a result of terrorist activities perpetrated by the FDLR. Reports of looting, rape torture and wanton killings have constantly been on the rise, with UN investigators confirming the untold destruction of lives and property after visiting the affected areas.

The terrorist group, that comprises mainly perpetrators of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi, should not, in any way, be allowed to keep torturing innocent people.

Slapping travel bans or freezing the rebel leaders’ assets is largely symbolic. A lot more action is needed to eliminate the security threat posed by FDLR.

The rebel group, has a network of funders, who have already been identified. They too, should be brought to book.

After the UN listed FDLR as a terrorist organisation, the next move should have been to bring it down.
FDLR has been operating for the last 16 years, it is high time, the suffering people are rescued.

Joint Rwanda-DRC missions have contributed to weakening the FDLR, however, the international community should join in, since the group’s operations go beyond the Great Lakes Region.

Dealing with the FDLR, once and for all, requires stronger, effective more concrete regional and international action.
