Rwanda deports Ugandan suspects

KIGALI - Two Ugandans, Simpson Mpirirwe and Didas Ndamiye, who were, on September 24, arrested on Rwandan territory at Cyanika border, for involvement in criminal activities, were, yesterday, deported to their country. The hand over took place at Gatuna border post in the presence of security officials from both countries. The healthy looking and smiling suspects arrived at the border at about 11:30 a.m. together with Rwanda’s Interpol chief, Tony Kulamba, who handed them over to Ugandan authorities.

Thursday, December 02, 2010
The two suspects, Simpson Mpirirwe (R u2013 in purple shirt), and Didas Ndamiye (C u2013 short sleeved shirt), being led by a Ugandan security official after being handed over, yesterday. Kabale Acting RDC, Vincent Bekunda (in neck-tie) looks on. (Photo B. Asiimw

KIGALI - Two Ugandans, Simpson Mpirirwe and Didas Ndamiye, who were, on September 24, arrested on Rwandan territory at Cyanika border, for involvement in criminal activities, were, yesterday, deported to their country.

The hand over took place at Gatuna border post in the presence of security officials from both countries.
The healthy looking and smiling suspects arrived at the border at about 11:30 a.m. together with Rwanda’s Interpol chief, Tony Kulamba, who handed them over to Ugandan authorities.

Charles Tumwesigye, from Interpol Directorate in Kampala who was among the 15-person Ugandan delegation, received the suspects on behalf of Uganda.

Mpirirwe, a businessman arrived clad in African tradition garb, (Kitenge), black trouser and brown shoes and holding a parcel, while the seemingly calm Ndamiye, an accountant with the Kabale-based Radio Kigezi was dressed in a grey shirt and a blue Jeans.

Delegates from the two countries first held a meeting where Kulamba handed over the dossiers of the suspects to Tumwesigye.

Kulamba revealed that Rwandans implicated in the crimes committed by the Ugandan suspects, have been arrested.
"In line with the existing relationship between our two police forces and countries in general, Rwanda agreed to hand over the two Ugandans with their case file…to be forwarded to the Ugandan judicial authorities for consideration just as the Rwandans involved in the case will be tried in Rwanda,” Kulamba said during the meeting with the Ugandan delegates.

"We are here to, further, promote our existing relationship in the areas of combating crime, and assisting each other in promoting peace,” he added.

The Kabale Acting Resident District Commissioner, Vincent Bekunda, said that there were speculations that the two suspects had been killed.

"I am happy to see you here alive. I thank the Rwandese government for having brought you to us today,” Bekunda said

"There have been a lot of rumours, speculations [that you were killed]but we have since been in touch with the Rwandan government and all steps were taken to ensure that you are given a fair trial and hearing and brought back to Uganda alive.”

He observed that the steps taken by the Rwandan government to handover the suspects are in line with the "good neighborliness to make sure that if some one is suspected is investigated. "

"They have handed over the file to us…our (Ugandan) police will peruse through and we shall remain in touch with the Rwandan government to make sure that the case is handled properly,” he added.

Present, was Anne Katusiime, the First Secretary at the Ugandan High Commission in Kigali and the Regional Police Commander, Oliva Wawire, among other Ugandan authorities.
