Sensitization on the sale of Bralirwa shares should be stepped up

By offloading to the general public, its 25 percent stake in the leading beverages manufacturer, Bralirwa, the government has clearly demonstrated its commitment to empowering its citizens to acquire investments that guarantee their future livelihoods.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

By offloading to the general public, its 25 percent stake in the leading beverages manufacturer, Bralirwa, the government has clearly demonstrated its commitment to empowering its citizens to acquire investments that guarantee their future livelihoods.

And, by reducing the price of the Bralirwa shares to Rwf 136 – below the actual value of Rwf 170 per share - the government is clearly showing that it will stop at nothing in its determination to develop the country’s stock market and private investment.

Additionally, the fact that local banks are coming up with loan schemes, geared towards facilitating citizens to acquire the Bralirwa shares, makes the process even more attractive to the general public.

However, with the sale of the shares at the set price scheduled to end mid December, it is important that sensitisation campaigns are stepped up.

The message should be spread to as many Rwandans as possible, to enable more citizens to get the opportunity to invest in, and own a piece of one of the most successful companies in the country.

If successful, Bralirwa’s Initial Public Offer (IPO) will pave the way for sale of government stakes in other leading companies.

The sale and ultimately the trading of shares of such successful companies will, without a doubt, boost the newly established stock market, in line with the development agenda and growth of the financial sector.  
