Media coverage on OTC shares is helpful

Dear Editor, I have picked interest in the current buying and selling of shares at the Rwanda Over The Counter (ROTC) Stock Exchange in Kigali, Rwanda. I must say that my interest was a result of the continued media coverage of the sale of these BRALIRWA shares.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Minister of Finance, John Rwangombwa, unveils the Bralirwa IPO as Robert Mathu the Executive Director of capital markets look on.

Dear Editor,

I have picked interest in the current buying and selling of shares at the Rwanda Over The Counter (ROTC) Stock Exchange in Kigali, Rwanda.

I must say that my interest was a result of the continued media coverage of the sale of these BRALIRWA shares. I have been following the process, since the launch of the IPO. I have also been reading follow-up stories on the sale of shares in your paper. To be precise, the story that detailed how to buy the shares and the one of banks offering loans to buy the shares really struck me.

Please keep up the coverage and that way the public will be rallied towards dealing in stocks and soon the country will have a vibrant stock exchange.

Solomon Kaheru