Art for Social Change brings hope to orphans

Emmanuel Nkuranga, a visual artist based in Kigali has stepped out once again and demonstrated how painting can bring hope to life’s hopeless situations. In an initiative called ‘Art with A mission’, Nkuranga has used his artistic skills to help several orphaned children between the ages of 10 to 18 years. 

Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Emmanuel Nkuranga

Emmanuel Nkuranga, a visual artist based in Kigali has stepped out once again and demonstrated how painting can bring hope to life’s hopeless situations.

In an initiative called ‘Art with A mission’, Nkuranga has used his artistic skills to help several orphaned children between the ages of 10 to 18 years. 

Nkuranga who is based at Ivuka Art Studio in Kacyiru, Kigali said that working hand in hand with orphanage centers has changed the lives of many lonely children.

He currently teaches kids how to paint at PFA Mpore Orphanage in Gikondo, and Faith Victory Orphanage, in Kigali.

Out of his busy schedule, Nkuranga spares time for these kids. He buys art supplies out of his limited resources and teaches children art skills such as; painting, drawing, colouring among other things.

That is not all; he also ventures into equipping these children with economic skills. Rather than remaining bored, lonely and idle, painting has become an alternative get-away for these kids as they make their world a colourful one.

Nkuranga said that, placing these children in an artistic environment has allowed them to explore their talents and find purpose in their lives.

"I believe that if my life changed because of art, then it’s worthwhile to positively change the lives of so many orphans here in Rwanda,” Nkuranga said.

"I believe that this is a beginning with no end. These orphans are now displaying their artwork at Ivuka Arts studio which has given them a platform to excel,” he said.

"There is a lot of talent that needs to be discovered in Rwanda and Africa in general. With my God-given talent in art I am very happy to use it to help others. I believe that with God everything is possible,” Nkuranga said.