Drivers need to respect Zebra crossings

Dear Editor, Despite several Zebra crossings roads in Kigali, some drivers still do not realize their importance. Pedestrians respect drivers on the road but these selfish drivers have become road monsters. With all due respect, drivers have failed to even allow pedestrians a minute to cross and it has become the in thing for pedestrians to run across roads even though they are at a zebra crossing.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dear Editor,

Despite several Zebra crossings roads in Kigali, some drivers still do not realize their importance. Pedestrians respect drivers on the road but these selfish drivers have become road monsters.

With all due respect, drivers have failed to even allow pedestrians a minute to cross and it has become the in thing for pedestrians to run across roads even though they are at a zebra crossing.

The roads were constructed for everyone and each individual, regardless of whether they drive or not, have the right to access this facility. Drivers could be in hurry but this does not give them  the mandate to disregard other road users. Pedestrians find it hard to cross the roads especially at junctions where the Zebra crossings are designated.

I hope that authorities especially the Traffic police look into this matter as soon as possible. For crying out loud this is a necessary plea that needs to be taken seriously because it affects everyone. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to express myself in your newspaper.

Sheila Uwase