Former head teacher held over arson, poisoning

EASTERN PROVINCE NYAGATARE — Police in Nyagatare last week arrested the former head teacher of Gakirage Primary School, Alphonsine Musabyeyezu allegedly over burning a house of a genocide survivor.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


NYAGATARE — Police in Nyagatare last week arrested the former head teacher of Gakirage Primary School, Alphonsine Musabyeyezu allegedly over burning a house of a genocide survivor.

Police sources allege Musabyeyezu participated in the burning of Leonard Karambizi’s house and poisoning a hybrid cow belonging to David Nkundiye, Gakirage Cell executive secretary.

The arrest comes barely months after she was fired from her job as the School head teacher by Sector authorities, over allegations of genocide ideology.

Nyagatare Sector authorities suspended her after a mass protest by parents accusing her of harboring and propagating genocide ideology among pupils and misallocating school funds.

According to the district police commander, Superintendent Emmanuel Kalasi, Musabyeyezu is the prime suspect in the two recent incidents because she had reportedly vowed to ‘teach the two victims a lesson’ accusing them of being instrumental in her suspension from the job.

When The New Times visited the police station, Musabyeyezu refused to talk to the press on grounds that she had not consulted her advocate.

She reportedly refused to make a police statement on the same grounds.

Asked why she had refused to make a police statement, Kalasi said "It is her right as investigations continue."

A report by veterinary doctors who examined the carcass revealed that the cow died of internal wounds caused by acid.

"My cow was healthy and I was surprised to find it dead in the morning. It has been producing much milk which I expected to improve our economic status. It’s unfortunate," Nkundiye said of his cow.

Geoffrey Mushaija, the sector executive secretary contends that Musabyeyezu was fired on clear grounds. She had reportedly suspended the English section from the school on grounds of lack of teachers.

However, sources say the district advisory council is yet to make a final decision on her fate.
