Man jailed for killing mother

KARONGI- A 21-year old man in Twumba Sector, Karongi District has been remanded for allegedly killing his mother after what witnesses described as a minor family misunderstanding.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Amon Ngiruwonsanga has confessed to killing his mother (Photo; S. Nkurunziza)

KARONGI- A 21-year old man in Twumba Sector, Karongi District has been remanded for allegedly killing his mother after what witnesses described as a minor family misunderstanding.

Last Friday, residents woke up to a horror after Amon Ngiruwonsanga reportedly stoned his mother, Thaciana Kangezi once on the head, killing her instantly.

Upon arrest, Ngiruwonsanga confessed to committing the crime, explaining that his mother had threatened to sacrifice him to her ancestral spirits.

"My mother said that the spirits had demanded that she sacrifices me in exchange for better life and wealth,” a remorseful Ngiruwonsanga told The New Times at Karongi Intermediate Court, where his case is being heard.

The second-born in a family of three, Ngiruwonsanga said that he was convinced that his mother had ancestral spirits which demanded for his death in exchange for fortune.

In an interview, Fiacre Nyamuhenda, the Chief Prosecutor at the court, explained that the rate of various criminal offenses, especially murder, has significantly increased in Karongi in the past few weeks.

"We had previously reached at an impressive level of stemming crime, but recently, more murder cases are coming up,” Nyamuhenda said. He called on the local population to foster joint efforts with security organs in the fight against crime.
