Parent-Teacher Committees get new instruction manual

The Ministry of Education has developed a new manual which explains the roles and responsibilities of Parent-Teacher Committees (PTCs).

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
IN CHARGE; Dr. Charles Muligande (File photo)

The Ministry of Education has developed a new manual which explains the roles and responsibilities of Parent-Teacher Committees (PTCs).

The instructional manual is aimed at promoting increased parental awareness and how they can support their local schools to manage their children’s education so as to ensure quality education.

The first instructional manual was first unveiled in 2008, but according to the national Coordinator of School Management Programme, Rutagengwa Emile, there have been changes in the education sector and hence the need to revise the manual.

"The new manual will be instrumental in providing further guidance on how parents and community members can support schools in the achievement of education priorities such as the 9-Year Basic Education,” said Rutagengwa.

The updated version will also ensure user friendliness and capture the full spectrum of issues prevailing in the education sector.

Speaking at a consultative meeting held yesterday, the Minister of Education, Dr. Charles Muligande, said that the parents’ contribution in the education of their children is critical.

"The education of our children cannot be left to the teachers alone. There is need for the parents to get involved,” Muligande said adding that it is one effective way of developing communities.

He added that the parents’ direct involvement in the schools’ affairs improves discipline amongst the children and accountability on the side of the management of schools.

"There is need for the parents to understand their responsibility as far as getting involved in managing the schools is concerned, and we are trying to raise awareness of this through various radio talk shows.”
