More advocacy needed for girls’ education - FAWE

KIGALI - The Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), Rwanda Chapter, would like to have additional policies and continued advocacy in order to further boost girls’ education in the country.

Monday, November 29, 2010
L-R Shema Xaverine second vice president of FAWE and Dr Kathy Kantengwa, president of FAWE at the annual general meeting (Photo T.Kisambira)

KIGALI - The Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), Rwanda Chapter, would like to have additional policies and continued advocacy in order to further boost girls’ education in the country.

This was said, yesterday, during FAWE’s annual General Assembly, where the organisation’s members received the 2009-2010 report and discussed plans for the following year.

FAWE is an NGO bringing together African women, Ministers of Education, officials in charge of education, and other decision makers in the education field.

Dr. Kathy Kantengwa, president FAWE Rwanda, expressed said that she was concerned the mindsets of some people were not favorable to girls’ education and that needed to change

"There is need for more advocacy to support girls’ education,” Kantengwa said, adding that the recent budget cuts may see an increase in the number of girls who drop out of school.

"We need to find funds to support their education,” she added.

Kantengwa, went on to highlight the declining number of girls who join higher institutions of learning.

During the meeting, it was agreed that for gender disparity to be addressed, there was need for the people’s mindsets to be changed and creating awareness among parents who still think that boys should get priority, especially in rural areas.

Donatha Gihana, the FAWE National Coordinator, said that among the organisation’s upcoming strategic plan is conducting research on the organizations contribution to girls education in universities and the impact of the Nine Year Basic Education policy on girls’ education.

FAWE Rwanda is currently sponsoring over 6,555 students in 62 schools across the country.
