Schools should revive the culture of debating

Editor, Debating is one of the most important activities that schools should not abandon. However, many schools have ignored debating under the disguise of revising, writing notes and doing tests or exams. Students aim at getting good grades at the end of the term, and academic year and forget that through debating they can build good communication skills, understand how to handle different questions and people with different characters.

Monday, November 29, 2010


Debating is one of the most important activities that schools should not abandon. However, many schools have ignored debating under the disguise of revising, writing notes and doing tests or exams.

Students aim at getting good grades at the end of the term, and academic year and forget that through debating they can build good communication skills, understand how to handle different questions and people with different characters.

It should be noted that most of the leaders we have today have been shaped and sharpened by debating skills.
Most of the schools today have ignored debating and they no longer include it on the curriculum. In other words debating is no longer valued—its importance is overlooked no wonder, the students we produce today fail to express themselves because they have poor communication skills.

I therefore call upon all stake holders to revive the culture of debating in order to produce high quality students.

Fred Musheija