The Hater: I hate people who…

…always ask me for money when they see me. The Hater is one of the richest men in Rwanda. Do not argue with me.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

…always ask me for money when they see me.
The Hater is one of the richest men in Rwanda. Do not argue with me.

I am so rich; I even have lots of coins under my bed that I never use! I don’t even know how much money I have. What I know is that I hate people who always ask me for money the moment they see me.

I am sure those of you with me can understand what I am talking about. When they see you, they ask you for money simply because you were unfortunate to meet them.

Yes I have money but it is my money so go and work hard like me who struggles to hate people and get paid.
…keep their transport fare very far.

I always feel so tired the moment I enter those ‘Twegerane’ taxis. And it gets worse if there are people (women) who delay to pay because their money is kept at the bottom of the huge handbags that girls carry. Last Tuesday, I saw a part time thinker who wasted our precious time trying to get money from her huge handbag. As she struggled to reach the bottom of the bag, funny things started falling out of the bag.

It was my chance to see some of the things that girls carry in those huge bags. Food containers, shoes, clothes, makeup kit, sanitary pads, empty lotion and perfume bottles, an umbrella, a torch, etc. I am telling you the things were so many that I thought she was competing with Simba and Nakumatt supermarkets!

…sing along to songs while in public taxis.
You should travel by public means to understand some of things that make me hate people so much. There are times when you are in a taxi thinking only about reaching home. Then a popular song is played on the car radio. All of a sudden someone with a frog’s voice starts singing or should I say crying.

I wonder what makes these fools to think that sitting in a taxi to Nyamirambo or Remera turns them into Tusker Project Fame contestants? These people do not even deserve to be on probation. With such voices these people deserve to be fined.

…lie about their location on phone.
 I have realised that for some people, buying a mobile phone is the same as purchasing a ticket to hell’s fires.
However, before these people can go to hell, they should allow me to hate them this Sunday. I just hate people who receive phone calls in Nyabugogo and tell the person at the end of the line that they are in Cyangugu!

Do these fools ever realise that you cannot be in Cyangugu yet the person next you is calling passengers to enter Kicukiro or Gatsata taxis? Others even claim that the network is poor and should be called back later.

Can these people do us a favour and grow up. Why are they so determined to gain membership to Satan’s world?

…visit and evaluate all your property.
Being a Hater, it is rare for people to visit me and I am not complaining about it.

However, I seriously hate people who visit and instead of sitting comfortably, they walk around your house touching and asking you questions about almost everything. They ask you where you bought everything and how much you bought it.

I thought you were my visitor and not a detective. Why should you ask for the value of my property as if you are a tax official from Rwanda Revenue Authority? Such people should never ever visit me unless they are ready to identify themselves as investigators from the National Police.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293