Perfect weekend…David Muhire

David Muhire is a soul musician who started and has maintained a track record as a soul artiste. He says that hard work has helped him to get to his present level.

Sunday, November 28, 2010
David Muhire

David Muhire is a soul musician who started and has maintained a track record as a soul artiste. He says that hard work has helped him to get to his present level.

Well, with his busy schedule, he always finds time to relax during the weekend. Below he shares with you how he spends his weekend;

It starts on Saturday morning when I have free time to share with my family. Unlike the working days, over the weekend, I enjoy breakfast with my family members. And by around 11:30am, we are discussing and sharing views on various issues.

With lunch, I may either have it home or decide to meet my friends. I also get some time to go to Nyamirambo Stadium where I engage in sports.

And in the afternoon, I plan with friends to go out and our usual place is Planate Club at KBC.

On Sunday, I get to church until mid day. However, what is most interesting for me is that I spend the rest of the day with my brother composing music.

And through this, I learn a lot from them. At around 9pm, I have supper and by 10 pm I am already in bed.

That makes my weekend perfect.

Photo G. Mugoya