Anti-AIDS strategies unveiled in Gicumbi

GICUMBI - The District AIDS control Commission (CDLS) and partners on Thursday put in place strategies to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS in the District. The formulation of anti- AIDS strategies which took place in a one day workshop at HOTEL URUMULI are part of preparations, for the forthcoming World AIDS Day.

Sunday, November 28, 2010
CDLS partners during the meeting at Hotel Urumuli on Thursday. photo by A.Gahene

GICUMBI - The District AIDS control Commission (CDLS) and partners on Thursday put in place strategies to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS in the District.

The formulation of anti- AIDS strategies which took place in a one day workshop at HOTEL URUMULI are part of preparations, for the forthcoming World AIDS Day.

The workshop brought together representatives of PSI Rwanda, International Family Health Road Project (FHI), Rwanda Association of the Handicapped (AGHR), Sector Executive Secretaries and representatives of district health centres.

The strategies include promotion of condom use, the use of plays and songs to depict the negative effects of HIV/AIDS, and promoting Anti-AIDS clubs in public and private institutions.

In his opening remarks, Gicumbi District AIDS Control Coordinator, Jack Ngarukiye, reminded participants of this year’s World AIDS Day theme, which calls upon everyone to use a condom, as a way of protecting one’s self and others from contracting HIV/AIDS.

The PSI-Rwanda representative, Francine Bayisenge, said her organization will increase the distribution of condoms from village level.

"In addition, every person who buys one carton of condoms shall be given an extra carton free of charge”, said Bayisenge.

She further said PSI-Rwanda shall assist Gicumbi District AIDS Control commission (CDLS) with mobile vehicles mounted with loud speakers, to pass on the Anti- AIDS campaign message during the World AIDS Day campaign period. 

FHI Road project representative, Jeanne d’Arc Umurerwa, said her organization will contribute in the fight to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS, through promoting anti- AIDS clubs in the entire District.

The World AIDS Day at the District level will be celebrated in Bukure Sector. It will bring together residents of Rwamiko, Giti and Rutare Sectors.
