Neighbour Diaries:Bad neighbourly relations

We have reached a point in our neighborly relations when world war 3 is eminent. I have so far managed to control myself, and desist from visiting my neighbor Dina, even when I know that her man is not around. I keep to myself, and I avoid as much as possible from crossing Michael’s path. Because I know he is looking for a reason, any reason to fight with me, or putting it more accurately, to beat me up.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

We have reached a point in our neighborly relations when world war 3 is eminent. I have so far managed to control myself, and desist from visiting my neighbor Dina, even when I know that her man is not around. I keep to myself, and I avoid as much as possible from crossing Michael’s path. Because I know he is looking for a reason, any reason to fight with me, or putting it more accurately, to beat me up.

That time when I knocked him out was pure luck, I know it, and he too seems very anxious to prove to me that I can’t be that lucky again. Just the other day, I met the guy in the corridors. I thought of retreating back to my flat, but my pride couldn’t let me. As I passed him, he bumped into me, really hard. But I could do nothing about it; the guy is twice as big as I am.

So, like a wise man, I have stayed away from his woman. My other neighbour Jasmine, that insanely beautiful, insanely heartless girl came to my flat yesterday, and we sat and had a sensible conversation.

She knew about my fiasco with my neighbours, actually, everyone who lives in that block knows that I had a fight with my neighbour over his wife. The story sounded like a movie, hearing it from someone else. That I had gone and beaten up Michael when he was almost beating his wife to death! I can’t help but be amused.

And Jasmine had a new surprise for me; her cousin. A cousin of hers was staying over and Jasmine wanted me to meet her. Of course I was immediately suspicions; Jasmine would never do anything good for me, especially not when it concerned my relationships.

The girl had made two girls leave me, in less than a month. She must have figured it out that I was suspicions, so she hurriedly told me that she had no ill intentions. Very hard to believe, if you know what Jasmine is capable of. But of course, the man in men couldn’t resist.

So when she suggested we go to her flat, I simply stood up, with no hesitation, and followed her out, to her flat, one level below mine. A sixth sense told me not to trust her, and like I later found out, a leopard can never change its spots. Jasmine had set me up. At her door, she opened the door, and I followed her in without being invited in.

And then I stopped in my tracks; just in front of me stood a girl who must have been Jasmine’s twin. She was extremely pretty, but I can’t say she was prettier than Jasmine, because Jasmine is the prettiest girl I have ever seen, even on TV! But this girl came really close. It was some time before I realized that my mouth was hanging open. And Jasmine was there looking at me with a very smug grin on her face, which further increased my suspicions.

Moving forward, I extended my hand to greet the girl, she too looked at me suspiciously. She told me her name was Daisy; a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.

Jasmine pretended that she suddenly had to go somewhere, and she left the flat, giving me a mischievous look. I didn’t even know where to start, so I simply sat down, and watched TV. Daisy too sat down, and looking at me suspiciously, she asked; "What exactly are you doing here?”

That was rude; I mean I was a visitor. She could be a little polite to me. I told her Jasmine had invited me, but Daisy knew there was something fishy. Looking at me in the face, she told me "if Jasmine brought you here to hit on me, you might as well let it go. I am not interested in guys!” And I knew it! Jasmine couldn’t wish me something good without a catch.

Then my phone rang; it was Dina, my neighbour, wife to that mean guy Michael, who was calling me. Every sense told me not to answer, but I did. She said only two words "please come”, and hung up.
