Write more on social issues

Editor, I’m writing in regard to an article titled; ‘To choose or not to choose: Football Vs Relationship’ that was published on November 23, of last week’s Society Magazine. The author’s advice, (Doreen Umutesi) is simple yet effective if one follows her reasoning.

Friday, November 26, 2010


I’m writing in regard to an article titled; ‘To choose or not to choose: Football Vs Relationship’ that was published on November 23, of last week’s Society Magazine.

The author’s advice, (Doreen Umutesi) is simple yet effective if one follows her reasoning. Unfortunately, in heated debates between couples emotions rather than logic take over and things fall apart quickly thus damaging a good relationship over trivial issues such as a football game.

This is a common occurrence here in North America and yet nobody seems to realize how serious the matter is to the society. The multitude of games that are shown on TV daily, for instance Basketball, Hockey, American football, baseball, do compound the misery to many households.

I would appreciate if next time you would write about couples breaking up with their families over religious differences. I didn’t realize how bad this issue was among the Rwandan community here in Canada as well as in the USA until I became a victim.

There are countless stories about Rwandan families breaking up over religious differences today. I’m sure this could be the case in Rwanda as well. Please research about these issues and then advise them. May be they will take note.

Patrick Lutunga
Toronto, Canada
