Rwanda will cease to be in the eye of the storm

Editor, This letter is in reference to your article in today’s newspaper entitled “Will Rwanda ever cease to be in the eye of the storm?” Surely, the New Rwanda will definitely cease to be in the eye of the storm. I say this with firm conviction, despite the fact that “the absurdities on Rwanda are simply amazing”.

Friday, November 26, 2010


This letter is in reference to your article in today’s newspaper entitled "Will Rwanda ever cease to be in the eye of the storm?”

Surely, the New Rwanda will definitely cease to be in the eye of the storm. I say this with firm conviction, despite the fact that "the absurdities on Rwanda are simply amazing”. The article reminds me of the advice I received just a few days before my departure for Kigali on the first ever visit to this beautiful country in June 2008 to attend the 1st EAC Investment Conference.

A good friend of mine, in one of India’s leading business houses remarked: "Oh! You are going to Rwanda. Make sure you have two bodyguards.” How wrong he was! Of course, this remark did not dampen my spirits at all .My stay and experience in Kigali was most wonderful. However, the fact remains that the media does create this very negative impression of the country and thereby tends to keep Rwanda in the eye of the storm.

It is our resolve to change this fallacy and at every available opportunity try and highlight the positive and true picture of the country at various forums here in India.

Rwanda serves as a glowing example for many countries even for us, here in India. If only we could emulate the example of His Excellency President Paul Kagame and the people of the country who all together go out into the streets and observe Umuganda (monthly community cleaning) on the last Saturday of every month , our city of Mumbai and the incredible India would be a much cleaner place to live in.

Clarence Fernandes
Chairman, Rwanda Renaissance