TPF4 - Who will Emerge Winner?

Two weeks to the conclusion of Tusker Project Fame Season 4, the fifteen rich list of East African representatives has been whittled down to just seven. Davis and Rachael still hold the Ugandan flag high, while Steven and Ameliina are holding fort for the home country Kenya. Rwanda, Sudan and Tanzania have only one contestant left in Gaelle, Paleki and Msechu respectively.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Two weeks to the conclusion of Tusker Project Fame Season 4, the fifteen rich list of East African representatives has been whittled down to just seven.

Davis and Rachael still hold the Ugandan flag high, while Steven and Ameliina are holding fort for the home country Kenya. Rwanda, Sudan and Tanzania have only one contestant left in Gaelle, Paleki and Msechu respectively.

In a new twist, the decision to take the choice of saving one contestant from eviction away from the rest of the contestants now means that fans will save the most popular contestants and evict the least popular.

Unlike in TPF3, when contestants vote to save one of their own from eviction saw some of the most talented representatives like Debarl of Kenya unfairly shoved aside from the competition, 2010 is the year when the fans will save the best for last.

The last two weeks are set for some tough love, as the contestants, who have meshed and connected with each other in many different ways now battle each other desperately for the big prize. 

This week, Rwanda’s Gaelle, joins Sudan’s Paleki, Tanzania’s Msechu and Kenya’s Steve on the probation list.

The faculty will have a tough decision because the four will definitely put up a good show on Saturday night. With both Gaelle and Paleki having won the fans vote previously, one of them is still likely to win the fans pardon which would leave the men in dire situation.

The only man, who has the talent and ability to beat both girls for the faculty’s vote is definitely Steve. Either way, Gaelle is likely to survive this Saturday, but, anything can happen in the subsequent week.

Also, since usually only five contestants remain in the last week, this Saturday could see a rare and dangerous ‘Double eviction”.

The public vote will be a tight one. Gaelle’s ravishing good looks, and Paleki’s strong African woman personality and black beauty perception will play a role, while comic man Msechu will hope that his funny antics get him out of jail. 

Steve’s macho man charm on the ladies may earn him a few enemies but his huge presence and cheerful enthusiasms while singing on the stage might save him from any trouble.

The Ugandan pair, however, is looking very formidable barely getting onto the probation list. Davis particularly is looking strong, his vast experience in teaching music and his confidence rubbing off his performances quite strongly.

The other surprise for the top slot would be Ameliina, and while Gaelle is the wild card of this event, just like Alpha who began meekly and made a strong late home run to eventually emerge winner.

If the pattern of past seasons is to be believed, 2010 is a man’s year.  With Kenya’s Valerie Kimani winning in 2007, Uganda’s Esther Nabaasa in 2008, Rwanda’s Alpha Rwirangira topping in 2009, chances are that it will be a two year cycle for men to eat big – which bades well for Davis.

But by the annual country rotation of the winner’s slot, the pattern suggests a new winning country – placing Tanzania and Sudan in the fore – a pattern that can only favour one Paleki from the newest country in the competition.

Paleki’s win will be another by a representative of the newest country in the Tusker Music Academy after Alpha shocked critics and observers alike by doing the same feat last year.

Patterns aside, let us vote as many times as possible to "Tusker 1” and send to 7333, to make sure that Gaelle can make it happen for Rwanda again in 2010.
