Can we have a database of sex offenders

Dear Editor, As the 16 days of activism, a campaign to fight Gender Based Violence goes on, I would like to add my contribution. Is it possible to have a data base of all sex offenders with details of where they are from and what crimes they committed. This information should be accessible for all to see.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dear Editor,

As the 16 days of activism, a campaign to fight Gender Based Violence goes on, I would like to add my contribution. Is it possible to have a data base of all sex offenders with details of where they are from and what crimes they committed.

This information should be accessible for all to see. That way, the public will not only be aware of who is dangerous to society, but will also deter potential  offenders for fear of being named and shamed.

Otherwise, I must say I was happy to read on The New Times website that the cases of Gender Based Violence had gone down.

Penninah Umunyana