40,000 sit driving permit exam

KIGALI - Close to 40,000 people sat for the provisional driving license exam in Kigali city, yesterday.

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thousands waiting to sit driving permit examinations at Amahoro National Stadium yesterday (Photo; T. Kisambira)

KIGALI - Close to 40,000 people sat for the provisional driving license exam in Kigali city, yesterday.

Three locations, Nyamirambo regional stadium, Independent University of Kigali (ULK) stadium and Amahoro National stadium were selected as examination sites for the theoretical test.

For Nyamirambo and ULK, the exams started at about 9 AM and lasted for two hours, while at Amahoro, the candidates had to be split into two groups. According to police, the number was too big for one sitting, therefore, to reduce on the risk of cheating, the group was divided into two.

Preliminary results will be delivered to the individual candidates through phone messages (SMS). Previously, all candidates would visit police stations to view their results which were pinned up on notice boards.
