EALA members tour KIST

KIGALI - Members of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), yesterday visited Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and said they were impressed by the quality of the facilities at the university, especially its laboratories. The tour is part of EALA’s evaluation of universities in the region. “We are in the process of identifying the centre of excellence,” James Ndahiro, Rwanda’s representative to EALA said.

Thursday, November 25, 2010
KIST Rector, Prof. Abraham Atta Ogwa (L) with Rwandau2019s representative to EALA, James Ndahiro, during the tour (Photo; T. Kisambira)

KIGALI - Members of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA), yesterday visited Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) and said they were impressed by the quality of the facilities at the university, especially its laboratories.

The tour is part of EALA’s evaluation of universities in the region.

"We are in the process of identifying the centre of excellence,” James Ndahiro, Rwanda’s representative to EALA said.

"It was important for us to come and witness what is going on in the universities in the region, and particularly we wanted to know KIST’s vision and facilities available that can make it compete as a regional centre of excellence.”

He added that the tour was also aimed at establishing whether KIST has the capacity to attract regional funds, institutions, programs and students.

Ndahiro added that EALA wants to have educational institutions in the region to harmonize policies that will serve East African countries.

KIST Rector Prof. Abraham Atta Ogwa, told The New Times that all their lab equipment meet international standards, with capacity to provide quality tests.

The lab has Biotechnology, microbiology, zoology, Botany, physics sections, where tests previously conducted abroad are carried out.rams and students.

Ndahiro added that EALA wants to have educational institutions in the region to harmonize policies that will serve East African countries.

KIST Rector Prof. Abraham Atta Ogwa, told The New Times that all their lab equipment meet international standards, with capacity to provide quality tests.

The lab has Biotechnology, microbiology, zoology, Botany, physics sections, where tests previously conducted abroad are carried out.
