Should corporal punishment continue in schools?

Recently The Children’s Times visited Ecole la source du Savoir in Kabuga. Boys and girls had their say about corporal punishment.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Recently The Children’s Times visited Ecole la source du Savoir in Kabuga. Boys and girls had their say about corporal punishment.

Justine Kabanyana, 16

Corporal punishment is bad; I prefer beating me on the buttocks rather than on my head, legs and back. I send my greetings to mum, dad, brothers and friends.

Elie Byiringiro, 12

I hate people who deny children food when they do wrong, you rather tell me to go down on my knees than denying me food. I send my greetings to my dear parents and brother Kamaradi.

Fred Kayigi, 12

We need fair punishment; children should be given simple punishments like beating them on the buttocks but not on legs. Negative words spoken in our lives also make us feel not loved. Special greetings go to my grand mother, mum, dad and my siblings.

Feza Samantha, 11

Heavy punishments are not good for children, if I happen to do wrong; I prefer being given chance to ask for forgiveness. My greetings go to my dad, mum and relatives.  

Cheline Semutakirwa, 10

There are some teachers who beat children on their heads whenever they misbehave; such punishment can lead to illness and death. Children deserve fair punishments. Special greetings go to mum, dad, brothers and my teachers.    

Sarah Mukashyaka, 12

Parents who use fire to burn their children’s body parts like fingers or legs when in wrong are not fair. If I have done wrong, I would like to be given a light punishment like to beaten on the buttocks or made to kneel down. I send my regards to my mother, father, lovely teachers and my brothers and sisters.  
