ICTR prosecution winds up Ndahimana’s case

The Prosecution at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), on Friday concluded their presentations in the trial of former Mayor of Kivumu commune, Western Province, Gregoire Ndahimana.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Prosecution at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), on Friday concluded their presentations in the trial of former Mayor of Kivumu commune, Western Province, Gregoire Ndahimana.

He is charged with four counts that include; Genocide, and ion the alternative. Complicity in Genocide, Conspiracy to commit Genocide and Extermination as a Crime Against Humanity.

Having heard 14 witnesses from the Prosecution, the chamber also conducted a status conference and ordered the defence to start its hearing in January next year.

The Prosecution alleges that between April 6 and 20, 1994, Ndahimana was responsible for killing or causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the Tutsi population.
He is also alleged to have planned the massacres at Nyange Parish jointly with several other officials, including genocide-convict and parish priest, Father Athanase Seromba who has since been sentenced to life imprisonment, and prominent businessman, Gaspard Kanyarukiga, who was sentenced to 30 years.

According to the ICTR indictment, the trio held regular meetings at the Nyange parish and they agreed on a common strategy to exterminate Tutsis in Kivumu commune.

Ndahimana was arrested by DRC forces on August 11, in a village in North Kivu Province, and a month later transferred to the Arusha based tribunal after lengthy negotiations with the Congolese.
