Time management should be prioritized

Dear Editor, I write to point out my disappointment over the issue of time management within our offices. On Monday, I am one of the people who were invited to attend the ceremony at the Ministry of Finance and Economic planning where the Minister Rwangombwa announced the sale of government shares in BRALIRWA.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Dear Editor,

I write to point out my disappointment over the issue of time management within our offices. On Monday, I am one of the people who were invited to attend the ceremony at the Ministry of Finance and Economic planning where the Minister Rwangombwa announced the sale of government shares in BRALIRWA.

What struck me about the whole event was time keeping. In fact, Minister Rwangombwa opened his speech calling on everyone to in future learn how to observe time because he had waited for almost an hour before people turned up for the ceremony.

For us to move towards the vision that we put in place ourselves, we need to learn how to manage our time, because as they always say, time is money.

For one to invite you to an event and you in turn confirm your attendance and then you turn up one hour late, is a sure sign of  lack of seriousness and commitment.

Malick Gashumba