RADA driver arrested transporting marijuana

KARONGI - Police and Rwanda Revenue Authority officials last week arrested a man who was found in possession of a consignment of marijuana.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

KARONGI - Police and Rwanda Revenue Authority officials last week arrested a man who was found in possession of a consignment of marijuana.

48-year old Joseph Ntaganzwa, a driver with the Rwanda Agriculture Development Authority (RADA) was intercepted in Rubengera sector, Karongi en route to Kigali.

"We suspect that he must have been doing this illegal business for a very long
time and now his luck has run out,” Police said.

In a related development, last week, Karongi Intermediate Court sentenced a man to a 10-year jail term for allegedly murdering his friend.

Court heard that Elias Gatayisire strangled his neighbour who had intervened in solving a family misunderstanding with his wife.

"I had a problem with my wife and when he (the deceased) broke into my house in the pretext of trying to solve our problem, I hit him and he died instantly,” Gatayisire told a fully packed court room.

Court said Gatayisire was handed a lighter sentence because he had pleaded guilty to the crime.

Fiacre Nyamuhenda, the Chief Prosecutor at the court, has noted that crime is on the rise in the region and joint efforts to curb it were necessary.
