Atraco loses taxi park monopoly

A new company, Gold Project, has been awarded a contract to manage Kimironko and Kabuga Taxi Parks in Gasabo District, Kigali City, bringing to an end the longstanding monopoly of the Association of Commuter Taxi Drivers (Atraco).

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
REVEALED; Col. (Rtd) Ludovic Twahirwa (File photo)

A new company, Gold Project, has been awarded a contract to manage Kimironko and Kabuga Taxi Parks in Gasabo District, Kigali City, bringing to an end the longstanding monopoly of the Association of Commuter Taxi Drivers (Atraco).

The company won the public tender on November 8, beating four other bidders after it offered to pay a monthly fee of Rwf3.6m to Gasabo District, compared to Rwf500,000 which Atraco used to pay.

"I finished my business plan and I’m sure my company has the potential to manage the two taxi parks,” Fred Ntunda, the Director General of the company, said yesterday.

Ntunda, however, claimed that Atraco was yet to hand over the two taxi parks to his company.

According its contract with the District, the new company was supposed to take over from Atraco on November 15.

Dodo Twahirwa, the president of Atraco, however, denied refusing to hand over the administration of the park, arguing that it was a question of procedures.

"We have not refused; we are ready to give out all the keys; whoever told you so has lied to you,” Twahirwa said.

Willy Ndizeye, the Mayor of Gasabo District, told The New Times that the district plans to meet the two parties for the handover soon.
