RDF effects 108 new appointments

On Sunday 21 November 2010, the RDF Headquarters released a list of 108 officers and other ranks that had been appointed to new posts, transferred or confirmed. The list includes two retired officers that were appointed as Provincial Reserve Force Commanders.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

On Sunday 21 November 2010, the RDF Headquarters released a list of 108 officers and other ranks that had been appointed to new posts, transferred or confirmed. The list includes two retired officers that were appointed as Provincial Reserve Force Commanders.

Three officers in the rank category of General, 70 Senior Officers, 19 Junior Officers and 14 other ranks were either appointed to new positions or transferred.

In addition, all the acting Battalion Commanding Officers [Bn COs] with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel were confirmed as Battalion Commanders.

The three General Officers that received new appointments or got transferred are Maj Gen Martin Nzaramba who becomes the Commandant of Nasho Training School, Brig Gen JB Kazura who was appointed as the Commandant of Gabiro School of Infantry and Brig Gen Eric Murokore who was appointed as the Reserve Force Commander for Eastern Province.

Col George Rwigamba, Col [Rtd] John Tibesigwa, Col [Rtd] Claudien Karegyeya and Lt Col Claude Higiro were also appointed as the Provincial Reserve Force Commanders for Kigali City, Western Province, Northern Province and Southern Province, respectively.

Nine full colonels were also transferred or appointed to new positions. They include Col Charles Karamba [511 BDE CO], Col Eugene Nkubito [301 BDE CO], Col JB Mulisa [411 BDE CO], Col Callixte Kanimba [Ag BDE CO, 307 BDE], Col Peter Kalimba [Ag Chief of Training and Operations/ J3], Col Laurien Nkuriye [Ag Chief of Logistics/ J4], Col Chris Murari [Ag BDE CO, 408 BDE], Col Ephraim Rurangwa [Head of Peace Support Operations] and Col Emmanuel Bayingana [Director of Plans in J3].

The list of 106 RDF personnel in active service includes officers and other ranks that recently completed their tour of duty in different peace missions, those that recently completed different military training and education courses both at home and abroad, those that were transferred or appointed to new positions while serving in the country, as well as two officers that were on administrative suspension.

Lt Col Jill Rutaremara, Defence and Military Spokesman