King Faisal has done us proud, others should follow suit

Editor, I read in your newspaper, yesterday, that King Faisal Hospital – Kigali passed an International accreditation test.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I read in your newspaper, yesterday, that King Faisal Hospital – Kigali passed an International accreditation test.

I would like to congratulate the hospital administration and all its supporters for achieving this great feat. I am sure that those who conducted the survey realized that the hospital had improved on the care and treatment it gives to its patients.

Through your paper, I would like to request the hospital to share their best practices with other health institutions in the country.  They can start programs such as exchange of staff, newsletters with success stories to mention but a few.

If quality care is spread out to all health facilities, the overall beneficiaries will be the Rwandan people.

James Mugabe