Keeping Kigali clean should be our general responsibility

Editor, Please give me a chance to express how impressed I am with Kigali City Council (KCC) for what they have done to keep Kigali clean. I have had a chance to travel within Africa and honestly I have never seen a town as clean and as beautiful as Kigali city.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
A clean city is an attractive one.(File Photo)


Please give me a chance to express how impressed I am with Kigali City Council (KCC) for what they have done to keep Kigali clean. I have had a chance to travel within Africa and honestly I have never seen a town as clean and as beautiful as Kigali city.

I have been amazed by the palm trees, which I originally thought only grow in wet places and also by the streets that are devoid of any dirt, rubbish, or even dust. I now really understand what people mean when they say jogging is common in Rwanda, who wouldn’t, with such pavements?

I would like all Rwandans to join KCC’s efforts to keep the city green by doing the rightful things and by being responsible citizens to not only make Kigali keep the number one spot when it comes to green cities in East Africa, but to keep the reputation all over the world.

David Butare