Associations trained in cost effective management

Over 35 associations last weekend completed a 4- day training on project management with the aim of increasing income generation from small scale projects that they have embarked on.  The training was supported by the Belgium Embassy.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Over 35 associations last weekend completed a 4- day training on project management with the aim of increasing income generation from small scale projects that they have embarked on. 

The training was supported by the Belgium Embassy.
Yves Saliez, the resident representative of Belgium Development Agency (BTC), said the training was designed to strengthen the structures of associations right from the grassroots level, something that would enable the smooth running of the projects in a cost-effective manner.

"This was to give knowledge to small scale structures on ways of managing their projects in terms of not wasting time in paper work,” said Saliez in an interview with The New Times.

"The Belgium embassy will also be helping these associations in implementing their projects,” he added.
The trainees got skills in financial reporting as well as accounting.

Each association received €15,000 for their project.
According to Belgium embassy, over €400,000 has been this put into project development in various associations across the country and will continue supporting more.
