Promote more VCT to fight HIV

Editor, As December 1, The World AIDS day, draws closer, we should reignite the promotion of voluntary counseling and testing (VCT),  as a way of stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS.  Once people know their status, it is easier to protect themselves if found negative, and to live positively if already infected. Fortunately today, there are medications available to sustain healthy living.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


As December 1, The World AIDS day, draws closer, we should reignite the promotion of voluntary counseling and testing (VCT),  as a way of stopping the spread of HIV/AIDS.  Once people know their status, it is easier to protect themselves if found negative, and to live positively if already infected. Fortunately today, there are medications available to sustain healthy living.

I recall the times when campaigns encouraging VCT were prominent and continuous, with companies, politicians, the media and local leaders all advocating for VCT. Let us not give up. We must keep the fire burning until we completely deal with the deadly disease – AIDS.
Jean Pierre Mugabo