Education sector is vital in reversing Hiv/ Aids

The 6th Annual National Paediatric Conference on children infected and affected by HIV and Aids, with a major focus on the education sector ended on Friday. There have been calls to accelerate the mainstreaming of interventions against HIV/AIDS in the education sector, among others.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The 6th Annual National Paediatric Conference on children infected and affected by HIV and Aids, with a major focus on the education sector ended on Friday.

There have been calls to accelerate the mainstreaming of interventions against HIV/AIDS in the education sector, among others.

Education provides the necessary capacity for young people to make important life decisions that can help them remain free from HIV. This is based on evidence that indicates that the youth who remain in school, are less likely to be infected with HIV compared to those who drop out.

Besides, it is also important to note that the vital role of the education sector in the fight against HIV/ AIDS has been augmented by the fact that a sizeable number of children, born HIV positive, have survived as a result of availability of Anti Retroviral Treatment and attend school like other children. However, they have special needs and thus special meals, counselling and adherence to treatment, impact on their schooling. This makes it critical for the education sector to be highly involved in providing the necessary support.

At the same time, school provides the opportunity to teach the young about HIV before they become sexually active. This can help to prevent new infections especially in adolescents. The struggle against HIV still needs adequate allocation of resources for prevention, treatment and care services. This calls for a multi-sectoral approach that also focuses on eradication of Mother to Child Transmission. Consequently, such a holistic approach can help realize an AIDS-free generation.
