Teachers` Co-op adopts 2011action plan

The teachers’ Savings and Credit Cooperative (UMWALIMU-SACCO), Friday adopted its 2011 action plan and budget during a general assembly that took place in Kigali. According to the General Manager of the cooperative, Joseph Museruka, the high-level meet which was also aimed at finding out how decisions taken during the previous meeting had been implemented, Friday’s meeting attracted over 300 teachers representing other members across the country.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The teachers’ Savings and Credit Cooperative (UMWALIMU-SACCO), Friday adopted its 2011 action plan and budget during a general assembly that took place in Kigali.
According to the General Manager of the cooperative, Joseph Museruka, the high-level meet which was also aimed at finding out how decisions taken during the previous meeting had been implemented,
Friday’s meeting attracted over 300 teachers representing other members across the country.

Among the decisions taken during the meeting increase of the maximum amount a teacher can receive as loan to Rwf 15 million, to be paid in a period of five years.

Previously, the cooperative could only give teachers Rwf 3 million payable in two years. However, according to Museruka, it was realized that teachers needed more than that to enable them invest in more productive ventures.

"We have put in place other measures that will help teachers access big sums of money, which includes enabling them to form groups and apply for over Rwf10 million,” the official said.

Other issues discussed included the one laptop per teacher programme which teachers are eagerly awaiting and the Enterprise Cooperative Centres which will help teachers get involved in various profit making ventures, among others.

"Plans are underway and we are working together with the Ministry of Education to ensure that the one laptop per teacher programme is implemented,” he said.

UMWALIMU SACCO cooperative is a government initiative aimed at giving teachers easy access to loans as a means of empowering them towards uplifting their social-economic welfare.
