Kanombe RPF members construct classrooms

KIGALI - Members of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) in Kanombe Sector, Kicukiro District, yesterday, contributed to the 9-Year Basic Education (9YBE) campaign by taking part in the on going construction of 16 classrooms at Groupe Scolaire, Giporoso.

Sunday, November 21, 2010
Residents of Kabeza participate in Umuganda in contribution to the 9-Year Basic Education at Remera Giporoso Primary School. (Photo J Mbanda)

KIGALI - Members of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) in Kanombe Sector, Kicukiro District, yesterday, contributed to the 9-Year Basic Education (9YBE) campaign by taking part in the on going construction of 16 classrooms at Groupe Scolaire, Giporoso.

The members had earlier taken the drive to Groupe Scolaire, Busanze where they built eight classrooms.

According to the RPF Chairman of the Sector, William Mugunga, the exercise was not only to prove RPF as the pilot implementer of the programme, but also to encourage stakeholders to speed up the task so as to beat their respective deadlines.

"We have given ourselves up to December 15 to ensure that classroom construction is completed,” Mugunga said.
 "Students are supposed to use these classrooms the next academic year. That is why as RPF we are accelerating the construction,” he said.

According to the headmistress of Groupe Scolaire, Giporoso, Venantie Mukankuriza, the school has 185 students in primary six and senior one.

"We expect about 250 students next year, so the 16 classrooms under construction will enable us accommodate the students,” she said.

Beatrice Mukansenga, a parent with two students at the school, was also among those taking part in the construction. She said that the exercise would also improve education standards in schools.

"When we construct enough classrooms, the number of students per class will be limited to the exact number required,” she noted.

"It will therefore enable teachers to conduct lessons properly, our children will be able to learn hence leading to quality education.”
