Do away with ‘final’ exams

  Dear Editor, Due to the current poor academic performance of schools in Rwanda, I suggest that the Ministry of Education considers phasing out end-of-year examinations. 2007 ‘O’ levels and primary results were very poor but this cannot be used to judge the student’s ability in as far as excelling is concerned.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Dear Editor,

Due to the current poor academic performance of schools in Rwanda, I suggest that the Ministry of Education considers phasing out end-of-year examinations. 2007 ‘O’ levels and primary results were very poor but this cannot be used to judge the student’s ability in as far as excelling is concerned.

This is because the candidates’ exams are sat for only three hours and therefore, the student’s fate is all determined by only these three hours. In case a student falls sick and is unable to sit the final exam, he or she is regarded as a failure.

This does not only bring frustration and low self esteem to the students, but also to the teachers and the parents as well. I request the line ministry to seriously consider using the continuous assessment arrangement in order to be able to get the accurate strength and abilities of students.

Through this scheme, the school teachers will also be in a better position to help the weaker students.