Tinea Infections

Itching over the scalp and flaking like dust can be commonly seen in heads of school going children.  It is also seen in adults though not so common. The person who has it has intermittent itching, which is so severe at times that it becomes embarrassing particularly in case of adults.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Itching over the scalp and flaking like dust can be commonly seen in heads of school going children.  It is also seen in adults though not so common.

The person who has it has intermittent itching, which is so severe at times that it becomes embarrassing particularly in case of adults. This itching is due to superficial fungal infections caused by about 8 species of fungus Microsporum and Trichophyton.

It not only affects the scalp but any part of the body. Nomenclature is based on the part of the body involved. Tinea occurring on the body is called Tinea corporis. The one around thighs is called Tinea cruris, while if nails are involved it is called Tinea unguis. If infection occurs in between toes it is called as Tinea pedis and so on.

Wherever this superficial fungal infection sets in, there is either red patchy discoloration or dryness and flaking with extensive intermittent itching. There can be patchy hair loss, if the scalp is infected. If nails are involved, there is black discoloration of the nails. With long standing infection, nails tend to become brittle and also break.

In case of people doing manual work, this fungal infection becomes difficult to diagnose as these individuals have brittle, broken and discolored nails also due to the manual work done. White patches can be seen in between toes and or fingers due to Tinea pedis.

One can develop boils secondary to infection caused due to scratching of itchy body parts. Itching over the private parts is most embarrassing of this type of infection.
Usually infection is patchy and localized in some body part. But in people having immune deficiency as in diabetics, AIDS patients or cancer patients, it may be extensive affecting entire body.

A person can acquire this infection from sick cats or other animals. It can also spread from person to person by sharing of contaminated brushes or combs. Use of common razors for shaving scalp or body hair is yet another source of infection. Damp foot wear and clothes tend to cause the infection and also aggravate it. 

Plastic shoes and sandals when used make a person vulnerable to Tinea infections.  Similarly, polyester clothes, particularly undergarments lead one to these kinds of infections.

Tinea infections have to be differentiated from other skin conditions causing similar features like seborrhoiec dermatitis and psoriasis. Diagnosis is confirmed by demonstration of the fungal hyphae microscopically in a sample taken from any affected site.

Treatment of Tinea infection in any part of the body is the most difficult issue. Antifungal tablets, dusting powders and ointments for local applications are used for treatment.

Usually after 1 to 2 weeks of treatment, the superficial lesions clear up and itching also subsides. This gives a false assurance that it has been cured and the person stops treatment. But the fungus tends to linger in the deeper parts of the skin and relapses again under suitable conditions.

Therefore for most of these infections, one has to take treatment for at least 2 to 3 months or even longer say up to 6 months. For Tinea unguis, i.e. infection of the nails, one has to continue nonstop treatment for minimum 9 months. But if the patient interrupts treatment, there is relapse of the infection and symptoms.

As preventive measure, one should avoid keeping any body part damp. One should be more careful in this regard about soles and toes, underarms and private parts as these being naturally moist areas are more vulnerable to Tinea infections.

Nylon clothes and plastic foot wear should be strictly avoided. Sharing of razors and brushes should be avoided. If at all necessary, they should be cleaned very well, before another person uses them.

Thus if preventive measures are adopted, there is no reason, why one should have Tinea infection.
