Kibaki, Raila should back off

Dear Editor, It is very unfortunate to see that Raila is urging people to protest when he knows that police will shoot at them. This political opposition leader himself is securely guarded every time and therefore he is unlikely to face any ‘danger’.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Dear Editor,

It is very unfortunate to see that Raila is urging people to protest when he knows that police will shoot at them. This political opposition leader himself is securely guarded every time and therefore he is unlikely to face any ‘danger’.

As for the 76 year old Mwai Kibaki, what on earth is he fighting for that is worth sacrificing people’s lives? He should be busy playing with his grandchildren if he has any, or mentoring the youth into being better citizens.

Since neither Kibaki nor Raila can put aside their egos, it’s fair enough that both men step aside and let some neutral person take over the presidency.