The Hater: I hate people who…

…enter taxis with things that make others uncomfortable. Travelling by taxi has continued to be a source of hatred each day. I totally hate those people who enter commuter taxis with fast food whose aroma soon fills the whole taxi. Just imagine the torture of sitting next to someone who has just bought fried chips and chicken yet you are not sure of your lunch.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

…enter taxis with things that make others uncomfortable.
Travelling by taxi has continued to be a source of hatred each day. I totally hate those people who enter commuter taxis with fast food whose aroma soon fills the whole taxi. Just imagine the torture of sitting next to someone who has just bought fried chips and chicken yet you are not sure of your lunch.

Last week there was this dude with a huge basket full of samosas. The strong aroma from the basket really unsettled my stomach. The most difficult thing to do is to pretend that everything is ok yet deep down you just want to eat whatever they are carrying. For now let me just say that I hate these people for teasing our appetites. 
…go for concerts just to sit and watch.
Concerts here in Rwanda are sometimes boring not because of the artist but the dull audience before him/her.
There is this annoying habit of people just sitting throughout the concert without getting up to dance, sing along or even clap for the person on stage. How can we expect our music industry to develop when we cannot even clap, when the audiences remind you of a funeral service? 

If you did not intend to have a good time then I suggest you stay home and watch events on TV. Why should we then blame the police for stopping these funerals, sorry, concerts?

…turn to reality TV shows for fame instead of working hard.
 You cannot imagine how much I hate those lazy people who register for reality TV shows in search of fame instead of simply working hard like me.

The African versions are the worst since the concept of fame in our society has not yet been crystallized. Just look at the contestants in the current Tusker Project Fame 4 (TPF4).

Many cannot even qualify to sing at my funeral but they expect us to enjoy their lousy vocal performances. No wonder some of them are always on probation. Did they bother to find out why the show has NEVER produced an East African music star since it was launched?

…send messages to the wrong people.
Last week I got two annoying messages from MTN. One was from Police announcing the schedule for driving tests.
Now why in the world do you send such a message to The Hater who does not even own a bicycle? This announcement should be on public radio or TV not on my phone which is not public property.

As if that was not enough, I got another message from MTN asking me to support the Rwandan contestants in the Tusker Project Fame. Is it my fault that the chaps cannot sing? And who says I have airtime for such nonsense? More so who tells MTN staff that I have a TV set to follow such programmes? Please, MTN people, I only bought a SIM card so do not make me hate you everywhere I go.

…waste time discussing Tusker Project Fame instead of working.
Returning to work on Monday is always a little unpleasant for some of us. It then gets worse when you find some people busy reviewing (loudly) the events that happened during the weekend concerning TPF4 TV show.

These idle and self appointed judges go on and on about the contestants vocal abilities and romance trends.   They even make predictions yet they do not even take part in the SMS voting. It is bad enough enduring premiership football reviews. Please, join me in the noble duty of hating these loud mouths. 

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to  +250 788 545293