Living Life: Beauty and Brains

Am one of the people who would want to make everyone believe that I would always go for the brains and the substance over the looks – the argument of the inside verses the outside, however, like many other male beasts, I rarely resist the temptation on turning a dangerous 1800 to look at a curvy member of the female species. Perhaps that is just the way it is.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Am one of the people who would want to make everyone believe that I would always go for the brains and the substance over the looks – the argument of the inside verses the outside, however, like many other male beasts, I rarely resist the temptation on turning a dangerous 1800 to look at a curvy member of the female species. Perhaps that is just the way it is.

So you can understand the conundrum in which our dear Gaelle, one of Rwanda’s notable representatives in the Tusker Project Fame Academy is in. first, she is one of the fairest ladies in the house if not the fairest, her mild temperament not helping matters.

Two, she has the talent to sing, though others may disagree because they are trying to measure her against a list.

One such individual is called Judge Ian – always having his comments with a tacit admission of her beauty and then going ahead to pour scorn on her abilities as a musician.

It goes to show one thing – a man will not notice a woman for her poor qualities in another field if they do not give them a second look but if they do, they measure them against the ‘first impression’ standards.

Therefore good looks earn one a harsher judgment in other fields than less glamorous looks. It is something to do with human nature – men are very visual beings while women are very ‘emotional’ beings.

The easiest way to rope in a man, especially by women is to rope them in visually. Men can eat ‘dirt’ if it looks like gold. That is why gold diggers usually have a list of rich, handsome glamorous men that they have easily charmed and thrown away at will. Meanwhile, women respond best to the game of emotions.

A man who has his way with women’s emotions can get himself any woman he would wish to be with, irrespective of how ugly, how poor or how un-enterprising they are.

So Gaelle is paying for her beauty while on the other hand, it is helping her to be saved by fans. The sad story is that nobody focuses on her singing ability. In fact it is much harder for her to succeed in her musical career than a lady of average looks with a good voice.

On the other hand, very successful beautiful women usually have the brains to use their beauty in navigating in the minefield of uncontrolled male desires.

Many beautiful women fall away because they cannot help but give in to the humongous attention and easy wealth thrown at them and forget what they are striving for.

Ladies who turn fewer heads do not have that much attention to distract them, so it works against as well as for them. No wonder women who can muster the looks and the emotional game usually succeed ahead of those who just flaunt their looks.

Our dear Gaelle, if someone could tell her, is in such a position to play ‘victim’ in front of the fans and yet demonstrate resilience in the face of the attention onslaught that she constantly faces.

It may sound incorrect, but against this is the world – the suave survive while the weaker ones give way.

This Sunday, up your mind reading skills!