FICTION: When she plays hard to get

New relationships flourish on mystery and unfamiliarity my old man once told me. It’s the same old man I run to whenever things concerning relationships go off -beam

Saturday, November 20, 2010

New relationships flourish on mystery and unfamiliarity my old man once told me. It’s the same old man I run to whenever things concerning relationships go off -beam

"I am done with this lady. I have been running after her for over six months, I can’t understand her. One day she’s all over me like chicken pox the following day she’s as cold as ice, refuses to go on a date with me but calls me to meet her when she’s with her friends,” I grumbled.

"Calm down son and listen,” he commanded.
"The problem with you young men is that you don’t know the difference between a lady who is interested but trying not to be over anxious, and the one who is just not interested,” he scolded.

"Sounds like that lady likes you but you’re too blind to see it, she’s only "playing hard to get”, and if she is making herself available to you then obviously she is interested. All you have to do is to give her time, get to know each other, remember, the right man values a woman who respects herself enough to give him a challenge,” he advised.

By playing hard to get, a woman launches a sense of mystery about herself, she doesn’t want to come across as being too eager or too needy or loose.

Women, especially the young ones are approached by men all the time; so they need quick, easy ways to figure out if you’re the real deal or a phoney that gives up at the first sign of resistance. So understand this reason, and be patient. You will definitely succeed if you show your sincerity to her. He counselled.

Guys think they want somebody straight and honest but deep inside the majority of men think ‘less’ of a girl who they believe didn’t wait ‘long enough’ or gave it up too quickly and generally lose interest after that.

You should also know that many ladies hold back physically because they want to be sure of your intentions, smart ladies know that a man will say and do anything to get what he wants.

Now, this is how you can tell if she really likes you, but just "playing hard to get”.

A lady who likes you makes a real effort to get to know you as a person: asks personal questions about you, your work, your family or your day.

She will not agree to just anything to please you. That is a woman telling you she likes you, and doesn’t want to fool you. She needs you to know right away that she has an opinion and will not trick you later on.

So son, now the ball is in your court, if you think she’s worth it, stick in there. As she gets to know you, and realizes you are a genuine guy her guard will drop and she’ll stop the ‘hard to get’ tactics. Have patience, your girl is worth waiting for. He reassured.
