US politicians shielding Rusesabagina revealed

USA - Rusesabagina’s US lobbyists revealedA group of Americans, some of them with powerful Washington connections, are allegedly behind the scenes to prevent investigations and bringing to justice, Paul Rusesabagina.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

USA - Rusesabagina’s US lobbyists revealed
A group of Americans, some of them with powerful Washington connections, are allegedly behind the scenes to prevent investigations and bringing to justice, Paul Rusesabagina.

Rusesabagina is wanted by Rwandan courts for funding a terrorist organisation, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) militia, who are up-to-date committing atrocities in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

According to Prosecutor General, Martin Ngoga, the government is not treating the allegations lightly.
"While I do not want to believe these American politicians, despite their previous and existing relationships they might be having with him, this is a serious matter which we do not want to treat lightly,” said Ngoga.

"This is the reason we have now instructed law firms in America and Belgium to pursue the matter in all avenues, including their courts. I believe there must be a way to compel reluctant law enforcing organs to do their job”.

The Prosecutor General reiterated that they had enough documentary evidence, including payment receipts from Western Union, that the accused personally sent money to members of a terrorist organisation.

"Our question to Rusesabagina has been a simple one, and it calls for a yes or no: Did he or did he not, on September 4, 2009, send money to FDLR’s Lt. Tharcisse Nditurende, alias Murinde Hatari Henry received in Dar-es-salaam, and on September 22 the same year to Lt. Col Noel Habiyaremye, alias Banga Banza Lambert received in Bujumbura”?

"We have repeatedly said that the transfers were done by himself from San Antonio, Texas. Let him come out and say this never happened, or let him tell us these two commanders are beneficiaries of his Paul Rusesabagina Foundation, which also needs to be investigated”.

According to reliable sources in the US, most of the people shielding the accused are connected in one way or another to Rusesabagina’s briefcase organisation, the Hotel Rwanda Paul Rusesabagina Foundation, and they have access to the White House.

Prominent among them is Sean Tenner, not only is he the Executive Director of the foundation, but he was also a member of President Barack Obama’s campaign team.

Bob Walsh is the Grants Director of the foundation and also works for influential Democratic Party Congressman, Bobby Rush, as his Legislative Director and he is no stranger to the corridors of power in Washington.

The list would not be complete without Kitty Kurth and Brian Endless: The former is the Communications Director of Rusesabagina Foundation and is said to walk under Obama’s shadow. She is also the President of a PR firm —  Kurth-Lampe — which not only wrote Obama’s first major speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention, and has worked with former Vice President and presidential candidate, Al Gore.

Rusesabagina’s Senior Policy Advisor, Brian Endless, is no lightweight as well. He has deep connections within the UN having worked for the organisation for over two decades.

This team also has one thing in common: they all come from President Obama’s home town, Chicago. And as our sources predict, they will leave no stone unturned in sanitising Rusesabagina’s image, and in doing so, their own future.

"They will do everything to protect him. If their man falls, they will go down with him for associating with something their cronies in Washington will not take with a pinch of salt”,  said our source.

But Rusesabagina is not taking chances in case the wind shifts direction. He has left US soil and is now hidden somewhere in Belgium, which is less paranoid of terrorism and everything associated with it as the Americans are.
