Murekezi made us proud

Editor, Kindly allow me to use your page to congratulate the seven employees of Rubavu District who were last year sacked unfairly by the district authorities, for being reinstated. I would however like to especially commend the Minister of Labour and Public service; Athanase Murekezi for personally intervening and bringing justice to those who had fallen victim of the unfairness.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Kindly allow me to use your page to congratulate the seven employees of Rubavu District who were last year sacked unfairly by the district authorities, for being reinstated. I would however like to especially commend the Minister of Labour and Public service; Athanase Murekezi for personally intervening and bringing justice to those who had fallen victim of the unfairness.

For those of you who are not aware of what happened, the employees were dismissed on grounds of negligence of duty, mismanagement of resources and breaching the tendering process , though after thorough investigations, there was no documentary evidence to prove the crimes.
From this experience, each one of us, is now happy to know that justice in Rwanda is indeed not a theory but a reality.

From this experience also, each one of us is now confident that a personal misunderstanding for instance between you and your boss, will not threaten your job security because justice systems in this country work and there is someone somewhere who will always be on the lookout to straighten out such bad norms.

And to those of you who have been reinstated, please endeavor to take your jobs seriously and make those who redeemed you proud.

Michael Muhire