Public Servants briefed on capacity building fund

Potential beneficiaries of the Capacity Building Fund (CBF) were yesterday sensitized on the guidelines required to access the money that Government earmarked to improve the coordination of capacity building in the public sector.

Friday, November 19, 2010
Capacity Building Fund coordinator Alphonse Kalinganire addressing the participants yesterday (Photo; J. Mbanda)

Potential beneficiaries of the Capacity Building Fund (CBF) were yesterday sensitized on the guidelines required to access the money that Government earmarked to improve the coordination of capacity building in the public sector.

This follows reports of delays in transferring the funds which, according to CBF, is a result of poor application processes.

Presiding over a one-day sensitization workshop, Alphonse Kalinganire, the CBF Coordinator, pointed out that if the set guidelines are respected, the funds can be processed quickly and transferred in time.

"The CBF Technical Committee meet weekly to review applications, thereafter the responses are signed by the Executive Secretary and sent to the responsible institution within a week after the meeting,” Kalinganire said.

The CBF is a government fund managed by the Public Sector Capacity Building Secretariat (PSCBS). It was approved by the Cabinet in its session of February 11, 2009 to finance strategic capacity building activities in a coordinated, transparent and efficient manner.

In the financial year 2010/2011, the allocation is 4,152,610,603 Rwf (approx. 9 million USD).

The workshop was presided over by Peter Malinga, the Technical Services Coordinator who represented the Executive Secretary of PSCBS.
