Military High Court summons Kayumba

KIGALI - The Military High Court has summoned Rwanda’s former Ambassador to India, Lt. Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa, and three others to appear in court before December 12. Those to appear with Kayumba include Patrick Karegyeya, Maj. Théogène Rudasingwa and Gérard Gahima.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

KIGALI - The Military High Court has summoned Rwanda’s former Ambassador to India, Lt. Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa, and three others to appear in court before December 12.

Those to appear with Kayumba include Patrick Karegyeya, Maj. Théogène Rudasingwa and Gérard Gahima.

Charges against the four include forming a terrorist group, ethnic divisionism and spreading harmful propaganda.
Nyamwasa and Rudasingwa also face the charge of disserting the army.

According to official summons, if the quartet does not heed the summons before the deadline, the court will take it as contempt and the accused will be tried in absentia.
