Maj Gen Karenzi Karake released

KIGALI - Maj Gen Karenzi Karake was on Tuesday released and is no longer under house arrest. He has been facing a disciplinary sentence since April this year until his pardon by the Military authorities.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

KIGALI  - Maj Gen Karenzi Karake was on Tuesday released and is no longer under house arrest.
He has been facing a disciplinary sentence since April this year until his pardon by the Military authorities.
Meanwhile, the Rwanda Defence Force [RDF] leadership Wednesday suspended and authorised immediate investigations of Brig Gen S Karyango and Lt Col Marc Sebaganji for unprofessional and unethical conduct while on duty.
There is some evidence that the two officers demonstrated lack of objectivity in the case involving Col Deogene Mudenge.

Lt Col Jill Rutaremara, Defence and Military Spokesman