Fashion/style: A fabulous home with a pleasant flower garden

However, choosing suitable plants for a flower garden can be daunting yet it is as simple as looking at one’s categories of colours to choose the best. Perhaps you only need a guideline to make the right choice.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

However, choosing suitable plants for a flower garden can be daunting yet it is as simple as looking at one’s categories of colours to choose the best. Perhaps you only need a guideline to make the right choice.

Look out for decorating magazines to find garden pictures that you like and study the designs to see how they relate to your flower garden. Then, get a sense of how decorators pull a garden’s look together to create the feeling and mood of your home.

While planning for your flower garden, there are certain specifics features you have to put into consideration: examining the size of your compound vis-à-vis the plants. Look for fined fertilisers and think of fitting trees and flowers to use plus the best paspalum grass.

Also keep in mind the geographical location and landscape to avoid losing medicinal plants to mass wasting, yet these may be useful to the family.

Flower gardening

Certain plants which grow very fast, like lilies will need support when their flowers start sprouting. Push several canes into the manure around the edge of the pot and link them up with strings to provide stability.


Put rose fertilisers around roots to encourage strong growth and a good flower display. Water them and hoe manure into the soil, taking care not to harm the roots.
Dig up large clumps and divide them into several parts, each with leaves and roots. Plant them again into newly prepared soil.

Bedding plants

Include bedding plants in your garden. If they have been grown in the house, keep them away from the cold for a short while before planting out.

Pots and trays of bedding plants can be placed on the veranda during the day, but moved back under cover at night. Give them a watering boost with liquid fertilisers.

Remember to prune them before they start to set seeds. This will make the appearance of the plant attractive, and as an added advantage, may even encourage a second flush of flowers.

Also keep a watchful eye on flowers and plants which should be controlled with an insecticide if necessary.


As soon as pruning is done in time, the plant is able to produce good root systems. Try to use the same manure. Remember not to overfill the pot with compost, just leave a gap at the top for watering.

Look out for pests

With changes in climate conditions, flower gardens become a real battleground with pests attacking flowers. Be on the lookout for the first signs of an attack, and pick off any pests found. Apply regular preventive sprays to stop pests from attacking plants.

Cut out old plants from the garden. Use a sharp knife to cut a small piece of bark just above the bud. This is done during the growth period because the sap flowing along the stem will be directed towards the bud instead of by-passing it, which helps the bud to develop into a shoot.

Scientifically, trees and flowers are a symbol of fresh air, kindness and peace. People go to the garden to enjoy the beauty of nature. Gardens are also used for entertaining and socializing purposes.

Flower gardens are full of a wide collection of trees and grass. It contains garden structures, such as pergolas, arbours, or trellises. A nice looking garden makes your home more pleasant.
