When is the next spraying?

Dear Editor, I write to express my gratitude to the Ministry of Health for doing everything they can to protect us from malaria with the usual anti-mosquito spray. However, it has been months since they last sprayed. I would like, through your newspaper, to request the Ministry to update us when they are next spraying, because the mosquito ‘season’ is back.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Dear Editor,

I write to express my gratitude to the Ministry of Health for doing everything they can to protect us from malaria with the usual anti-mosquito spray. However, it has been months since they last sprayed.

I would like, through your newspaper, to request the Ministry to update us when they are next spraying, because the mosquito ‘season’ is back.

For the sake of the vulnerable (pregnant women and children), can the Ministry please furnish us with a timetable on how often the spraying will be going on. Thank you for giving me the chance to express myself.

Claire Umutoni