Old Bachelor: The internet hurricane

Part II Nothing has changed yet. If you can remember last week’s narrative, I still have a sweet-tooth where pretty ladies are concerned and I’m still the number one fan of the greatest beer ever made, MUTZIG! In fact, I’m such a loyal patron who deserves to petition Bralirwa for a free crate!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Part II

Nothing has changed yet. If you can remember last week’s narrative, I still have a sweet-tooth where pretty ladies are concerned and I’m still the number one fan of the greatest beer ever made, MUTZIG! In fact, I’m such a loyal patron who deserves to petition Bralirwa for a free crate!

Last week I recounted my meeting with the ‘Hurricane’ at the social networking site Hi5. I’d been using the World Wide Web, not for anything useful but rather to meet the kind of ladies I’d probably never met in the bars. Well, like I said previously...I struck gold.

In the first place she was a total cutie…Secondly, she was giving me such a naughty look I knew that if I didn’t say anything too stupid I could end my bachelor state… And last but certainly not least, she was playing footsie! Now if that wasn’t a herald of good things, then I don’t know what it was!

Well, the dinner ended without me jumping her right there but I learnt in my long tenure in the hunt for the female kind, that patience goes a long way. So, I neither grabbed her nor ran to the village to force her into marriage…nope, I just made sure she got home safely.

Don’t worry, getting her home wasn’t the last time I ever heard from her. Ha! Ha! Ha!, in fact, I called her as soon as I got home and made sure that I spouted all the things that I’d thought of at dinner.

Hmm…with her French-accent-tinged voice she asked cheekily… "So…why did you just sit there”?

Now I was really pissed off! It was time to bring out the big guns. I went to her domicile like one of the wise men from the east with gifts. Well, like I’d known previously, the weapons of mass ‘female’ destruction worked like charms. I got a kiss on the cheek, a pat on the arm and a seductive ‘eye’.

I was just supposed to give her the things and then go to my night job. But I didn’t factor in the possibility that her mom wanted to buy me a drink. Not being one to break the First Commandment (thou shalt never refuse a free beer), I obliged. One became two and that’s when the urge got me to do something drastic; I wanted to enjoy a cigar.

I made my way into the night air, lit up in a corner and before I noticed the Hurricane was besides me. Something about the way she looked made me ask a daft question so difficult recant.

Not being a bashful girl at all, she got the drift and my…I don’t kiss and tell! But LORD! She was talented. Too bad it had to end, I mean my relationship with her; she’s probably among the ten best kissers in the universe!

E-mail: madogz2002@yahoo.ca