Police impounds lethal liquor

GATSIBO - Police in Gatsibo District on Monday night impounded a mini-bus carrying 9,504 packets of Host Waragi, a lethal liquor manufactured in Uganda.According to Police, the impounded vehicle, Reg: RAB 971B, had eluded security officials several times.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The impounded vehicle with cartons of illicit brew at Kabarore Police Post (Photo; D.Ngabonziza)

GATSIBO - Police in Gatsibo District on Monday night impounded a mini-bus carrying 9,504 packets of Host Waragi, a lethal liquor manufactured in Uganda.

According to Police, the impounded vehicle, Reg: RAB 971B, had eluded security officials several times.

"This has been the most wanted vehicle transporting illicit drugs including this local brew. We successfully caught up with it in the wee hours of last night while carrying cartons of Host Waragi worth Rwf2.3million,” a police official at Kabarore Police Post told The New Times yesterday.

Sources said the vehicle was heading to Ngoma District, from Matimba sector, Nyagatare District.

Three people aboard the vehicle escaped, including the driver. "They reached our check point in the wee hours and when we stopped the vehicle, three people who were in it vanished,” a police official said.

Police identified the suspects who were transporting the banned brew as Amoti, Kirenga and Muhozi, all residents of Matimba sector in Nyagatare.

Through partnership with residents, a list of vehicles involved in transportation of illicit drugs has been obtained and will be tracked very soon, police added.

"We warn those who are still involved in this illegal business that their days are numbered. We shall arrest them very soon,” a Police officer warned.

Police in Gatsibo has stepped up a campaign to crack down all sorts of illegal trade in illicit brew in the district.

Since the beginning of  last month, about ten vehicles have been impounded and their owners arrested in connection with illicit liquor smuggled from Uganda.
