Muslims urged to share with the poor

GICUMBI - Muslims in Gicumbi District were on Tuesday called upon to exhibit love by sharing with the poor and promoting the culture of unity and reconciliation among Rwandans.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sheikh Nsanzimana conducting prayers at Gacurabwenge primary school yesterday (Photo; A. Gahene)

GICUMBI - Muslims in Gicumbi District were on Tuesday called upon to exhibit love by sharing with the poor and promoting the culture of unity and reconciliation among Rwandans.

The call was made during Idi Al Adhuha prayers, conducted by Sheikh Hassan Nsanzimana at Gacurabwenge Primary School in Byumba Sector.

"A true Muslim is one who cares for the poor and promotes love, unity and reconciliation among Rwandans at all times,” said Nsanzimana.

He further called on the Muslims to share with their neighbours, regardless of their religious affiliations during Idi Al Adhuha.

"Love one another as you love yourself,” he added.
The head of Gicumbi District Muslims, Imam Hussein Habyarimana, said the day is marked by sacrifice and thanks giving as stipulated in the Holy Koran.

Similar prayers and thanks giving sacrifices took place in Yaramba, Bwisige, Gatuna, Rukomo, Gaseke and Rutare Mosques.

Over 300 Muslims turned up for Idi Al Adhuha early morning prayers at Gacurabwenge Primary School play ground.
